Along with the California Department of Parks and Recreation, the Bureau of Reclamation is working on a 474-acre goat grazing project at Auburn State Recreation Area.
The project area was previously treated by hand crews under a CAL FIRE project. Goat grazing will help thin lower vegetation layers that can easily spark into a fire, reducing the potential for wildfire to move into the larger growths of shrubs and trees and reach the City of Auburn. The grazing of lower vegetation layers is expected to create space for firefighting equipment access. No significant changes in recreational trails or land uses are expected to occur.
The grazing project includes wildland-urban-interface (where homes meet the forest). Contracted goat herds will graze within temporary electric fencing along the 600-foot boundary away from the houses adjacent to the federal project land boundary. Herding dogs and goat herders will supervise the goats.
More information about the project is published at the Bureau of Reclamation website
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